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» Ma présentation
(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyVen 20 Déc - 21:25 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyVen 20 Déc - 16:16 par Toons

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyMer 18 Déc - 19:45 par Smoking & Brillantine

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyMar 17 Déc - 18:41 par rihem

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 9 Déc - 20:58 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyDim 8 Déc - 13:54 par Naminam

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyDim 8 Déc - 13:48 par Naminam

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyMer 4 Déc - 22:05 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 2 Déc - 22:03 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 2 Déc - 21:56 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 2 Déc - 21:50 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 2 Déc - 21:44 par zelda11

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 2 Déc - 4:39 par Vesuve

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 28 Nov - 1:39 par mehdi42ai

» Notemonstyle.com : Votre site de référence
(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 28 Nov - 1:36 par mehdi42ai

» Animaction58, le site de prévention jeunesse
(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 28 Nov - 1:23 par mehdi42ai

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 28 Nov - 1:19 par mehdi42ai

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 25 Nov - 17:06 par ToujoursPlusForte

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 21 Nov - 21:00 par Erael

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(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyJeu 21 Nov - 20:55 par Trych

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Valentind12 (11207)
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Fifi~Avtr° (9387)
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Manu (3188)
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Moltes (1771)
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Amandine (1760)
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dum63 (1478)
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 (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé]

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 Administrateur  Fondateur

Masculin Age : 29
Localisation : On Teenage Forum
Messages : 3188

(Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] Empty
MessageSujet: (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé]   (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyMer 27 Juil - 0:02

Didn't mean to end his life
I know it wasn't right
I can't even sleep at night
Can't get it off my mind
I need to get out of sight
Before I end up behind bars

What started out as a simple altercation
Turned into a real sticky situation
Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing
Makes me wanna cry

‘Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Could have been somebody's son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun

Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
Man down
Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
Man down

Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why oh why
Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
In central station

It's a 22
I call her Peggy Sue
When she fits right down in my shoes
What do you expect me to do
If you're playing me for a fool
I will lose my cool
And reach for my fire arm

I didn't mean to lay him down
But it’s too late to turn back now
Don't know what I was thinking
Now he’s no longer living
So I’m about to leave town

‘Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Could have been somebody's son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun

Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
Man down
Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
Man down

Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why oh why
Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
I’m a criminal

Look I never thought I’d do it
Never thought I’d do it
Never thought I’d do it
Oh gosh
What ever happened to me
Ever happened to me
Ever happened to me
Why did I pull the trigger
Pull the trigger pull the trigger BOOM
And end a, end a life so soon
When mi pull the trigger pull the trigger pull it apon you
Somebody tell me what I'm gonna what I'm gonna do

Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
Me say one man down (oh they me say)
Rom po po pom rom po po pom rom po po pom
When me went downtown

‘Cause now I’m a criminal criminal criminal
Oh lord a mercy now I am a criminal
Man down
Tell the judge please gimme minimal
Run out of town none a them can see me now, see me now

Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big old crowd
Oh why oh why
Oh Mama Mama Mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
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Masculin Age : 27
Messages : 3132

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MessageSujet: Re: (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé]   (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 1 Aoû - 9:09

C'trop coool
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Masculin Age : 27
Messages : 3132

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MessageSujet: Re: (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé]   (Paroles | Lyrics) Man Down - Rihanna [Indexé] EmptyLun 1 Aoû - 9:09

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